Indian Rummy Variations

Rummy games are played by a huge amount of people through generations in India. In previous times, rummy was only available in offline casinos, but now anyone can play it from anywhere by just using their Smartphone.

Even people who do not play rummy know about it and the basic rules.

The more rummy gets popular day by day, the more its variations increase.

Many rummy variations are popular in India, like pool rummy, 13-card rummy, A23 rummy, and many more.

In this article, we are going to discuss some basic things you should know about Indian Rummy variations.

Different types of Indian Rummy Variations

These are some of the most popular variations of Indian Rummy:-

13 cards

It is one of the most popular types of rummy in India and is chosen by most Indian rummy players .13 cards will get distributed in this game.

One pure and one impure grouped sequence is important according to the game rules. Indian rummy, pool rummy, deals rummy, or points rummy are all types of 13-card games.

21 Card

It is another popularly chosen rummy game in India. 21-card rules are the same as any other rummy platform. The big difference is 21 cards are distributed to each player, and three pure-type sequences are necessary.

This difference in 21 cards makes the game a little harder than others. Another thing that makes rummy different is its penalty system, if someone drops the game before reaching the hand so they will receive a 30-point penalty, and many other penalties are present in this game.


Another well-known variation of rummy is Gin Rummy. Only 2-4 players are necessary to play this game. The game distributes ten cards to make a proper sequence and set.

The main difference is that “A Card” can be considered a first card, which is followed by two and three. A full card set is not necessary to win the game of Gin rummy. Contract rummy is also a type of Gin Rummy.


This is something that is a mix of Rummy and Mahjong. Asian and Europe players like laying this type of game.

The player can play this by using 104 tiles with 1–13 marked numbers. The game distributes four tiles to each layer to make the perfect set.


It is an interesting rummy variation with different rules. The main focus of this game is to discard from the hand. Each player gets different kinds and runs through the available 12 hands.

When someone discards all their cards, other players have to pay some penalty for it, and the penalty depends on the card of each player. The player who completed the 12 hands gets announced as the winner.

YouTube Video Explaination

YouTube video

Final Thought:

The Rummy variation that we discussed in this content is the most popular one, but other than this any more popular variations are present.

Each online rummy game has its is especially which makes them different from others, but choosing the right and genuine variety is important, it is more important than finding the best one.